Determining Child Custody in a High-Net-Worth Divorce

When it comes to getting divorced, remember that there is one thing that no amount of money in the world can replace — your children. 

You have two options when it comes to settling time-sharing in your divorce: Come to an agreement, or have a judge decide for you. From a child’s point of view, it is better if you and your spouse come to an agreement. The last thing they want to see is their parents fighting over them as if they were one more asset to be won or lost.

It is important to remember that deciding time-sharing is about determining what is best for your children; if it goes to court, this will be the judge’s priority. Florida state policy is for children to remain in frequent contact with both parents and for parents to share the responsibilities. 

Under Florida law, you will need to come up with a parenting plan. If your lifestyle requires that you move around a lot, this is not always easy. Remember, your children need stability in their life. Your divorce is already de-stabilizing them, so consider how you can avoid destabilizing them further. Allowing them to continue in the same school and retaining other important people in their life, such as their nanny, could both help.

Watching your parents divorce is hard for any child. When your parents are in the public spotlight, it has the potential to be harder. If you can keep your divorce low key, that will help your children get through this difficult time. A Florida attorney with experience in high-net-worth divorce can help protect you and your children.

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